How To Stay Fit on Vacation (Without Ruining The Fun)

By: Andres Torres | Published: 11/12/2019 | 3 Mins

Staying in shape and eating healthy while traveling does not have to come at the expense of a great time. Here are 3 tips for enjoying a guilt-free vacation.

Vacations are typically a time to break from the monotony of your everyday routine. Normally, your diet and fitness regimen are the first things to fall to the wayside when traveling. After all, who wants to spend their hard-earned money on an exotic getaway just to live exactly as you would back home? The problem with this approach, however, is eventually you DO have to return home and you don’t want to be saddled with the added burden of having to lose the dreaded vacation gut. Staying fit while on vacation (and still managing to have fun) may seem like quite the undertaking, but there are many ways to incorporate health and fitness into your travel plans without sacrificing a good time. 
Here are 3 tips on How To Remain Fit on Vacation Without Ruining All The Fun:
1. Indulge, But Don’t Overindulge.
Look, we get it. You’re at an all-inclusive resort. The premium drinks are flowing and the food is plentiful. You heard the key lime pie is to die for. Are you really expected to deny yourself all of life’s pleasures for the sake of rocking washboard abs? Of course not! 
The key? Balance. 
If you’re going to splurge and order the Pasta Primavera for dinner, make sure to eat a healthy breakfast and/or lunch to balance it out. If you’re planning on going out drinking, which, let’s be honest, is most likely the case, drink plenty of water as well. You may have to excuse yourself a few times for bathroom breaks that evening, but your body will thank you for it in the morning.
A good way to prevent yourself from ordering that chocolate mousse from room service when the hunger strikes is to bring your own snacks. Protein bars, assorted nuts, and dried fruit are a few healthy snack options that are easy to travel with and will keep you out of trouble when temptation comes knocking. 
Indulge Don't Overindulge
2. Remain Active.
Most resort destinations have a plethora of physical activities that will keep you active during your vacation, such as swimming, tennis, surfing and even golf. Take advantage of these activities - there’s plenty of time to lay by the pool afterward. 
The trick is to plan accordingly. 
If you know your day will consist of nothing more than sunbathing and cocktails, get up early for a morning workout. If your hotel includes a fitness center, use it! While hotel gyms may not possess the most state-of-the-art equipment, you can manage a decent workout with a treadmill and some dumbbells. Utilize bodyweight exercises such as sit-ups, lunges, squats and jumping jacks if your resort doesn’t have a gym. Remember, the goal is to keep active, not to win the next Ms. Olympia.
3. Don’t Stress It.
The single most important thing to realize while on vacation is that you’re on vacation. Of course you’re worried about preserving your chiseled physique and maintaining all the progress you’ve made (why else would you be reading this?), but it shouldn’t come at the expense of your enjoyment. 
Make it fun! 
If you’re a music aficionado, sign up for some salsa lessons. Dancing is a great full-body workout that burns calories and increases your balance and coordination. If you enjoy being surrounded by nature, go for a hike. Just remember to bring plenty of water and know your way back! If you’re a foodie with a sweet tooth, order the key lime pie, but limit yourself to one slice. 
Staying fit while traveling shouldn’t feel like a chore. If you miss a workout or can’t train as hard as you normally do, don’t stress it. Maintaining your mental health on vacation is just as important as maintaining your physical health, so if you happen to eat that extra slice of pizza while laying out on your balcony overlooking the Caribbean, it’s okay. After all, you are on vacation. 
Stress Free

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